Protect Plant Life During A Siding Project

Having new siding on your home can increase value and completely transform the appearance of the house. Unfortunately, a project of this magnitude could put the plant-life around your home at risk. If you have a siding project planned, it is time to think about how you can protect the plants and trees around your home from being damaged as the project is completed.

Protect Ground Plants

The small plants growing around your home are probably the most at risk of getting trampled and destroyed during the siding installation. To protect these defenseless plants, stock up on 1-gallon ice cream buckets, totes and trash cans.

Turn the buckets, bins and trash cans upside-down to cover the plants. This will provide them with the protection that they need as the contractor works to remove and install the siding on your home. Not only will covering the small plants protect them from being trampled, it will help to protect them from falling debris.

Wrap Your Trees

Go to your local home improvement store and purchase a roll of heavy-duty shrink wrap. This wrap comes in very large rolls and is more durable than the traditional plastic wrap that you use in your kitchen.

Start at the bottom of the branches and push the branches upward as you work to wrap the tree. The goal of this process is to control the branches and reduce the amount of space that they take up. Getting the branches out of the way will help to keep them from being broken as the work is completed.

When the siding project is complete, you simply cut the plastic wrap and it will leave your tree looking as it did before you wrapped it up.

Note: If branches are rubbing up against the house, trim them back to avoid damaging your new siding.

Cover the Ground

Purchasing some tarps to lay on the ground around your house will make the clean-up process much easier. The tarps can go right over the bucket and bins that you have covered your plants with and catch all of the debris that will fall as the project is completed. Then, when the work is done, you can carefully move the tarps to an open area of grass and sweep all of the debris into a pile and put it in the trash. This eliminates the hassle of trying to find every last nail and piece of construction debris in the grass, mulch or stones that you have around your house.

Talk with your local siding contractor, such as siding by Ecolife Home Improvement, to learn more ways to protect the area around your home during a siding project.
