The Pros And Cons Of Window Inserts

Old single-pane windows are drafty and provide almost no insulation from the noise outside your window. But replacing all of the windows on a residential home is an expensive investment. For a complete window replacement with vinyl double-hung windows with double panes, the average cost is between $500 and $900. That adds up quickly. Fortunately, there are simpler and more cost-effective solutions like window inserts, custom panels that slip in front of your existing frames and panes to improve heat and noise insulation. Read More 

Four Ways To Use Commercial Sectional Doors

Commercial sectional doors are fairly common, but few people can imagine any alternate uses for them beyond warehouse dock doors. In truth, these doors can be installed just about anywhere, and they have more uses than you might have thought. The following uses will give you a new perspective on where and how these doors can work for you.  Outdoor Storage Units Outdoor storage units are definitely one way to use commercial sectional doors. Read More